Los Angeles, CA, USA

Meghan DeRoma is a visual artist from Venice, CA, working in collage and sculpture. DeRoma received her BFA, minoring in psychology, from Miami University, OH, in 2000. Using paper, gouache, acrylic, fabric, and other found materials, DeRoma explores the archetypes of our relationship to Self and to nature, revealing our inherent wildness. In these relationships, there are fractals and patterns found that converge in a picture of wholeness. Her deep interest in the nature of being is expressed through the meditative aspects of her process-driven work.
DeRoma’s work has been shown at Tryst and Nomad II, 2023, with the Torrance Art Museum, Dorado 806 Projects, where she is also a founder and curator, the Women United Art Magazine (cover artist, Women Artist Prize finalist), The Other Art Fair, Dominique Gallery, the Venice Art Walk, CHTV curated by Yiwei Lu, the Society of Illustrators Museum and Sip Art Space with the Oceanside Museum of Art.
I work in mixed media collage, found papers, artifacts, personal ephemera, paint, fabric, and archetype. My practice involves gathering color, paper fragments, threads, and images on the path of the constant unfolding of being a woman. I explore the stories of the past, of personal and collective memory, of the land, and myth with the present moment for a soulful future. Through the process of the deconstruction of these found fragments and reconstruction, archetypal symbols emerge. I explore themes of the intricacy and nuance of human relationships—our relationship to Self, to “other,” women’s relationship with nature, and as an animal species, our inherent wildness. In all of these relationships, there are patterns to be found and patterns interrupted, but stepping back, they converge in a picture of wholeness.