Grande Pointe, MB, Canada
Nikki Braun is a self-taught watercolor and mixed medium artist. She has an associate degree in Graphic Design and has spent the last 26 years in this field. She is very active in her local art community, which includes being a member of several art groups and showing her work across Manitoba.
Nikki is a mom of 3 children and a dual citizen of the United States and Canada. She currently resides in Canada.
Nikki Braun is drawn to watercolor because there is a looseness, flow and uncontrolled nature that challenges and captures her creativity. She likes to explore the contrast that soft washes of watercolor and hard marks of pen create in her abstract paintings.
I will never forget the day I remembered that I was an artist. I was walking down the hall in my house and I had this unbelievable urge to paint. “Wow where did that come from, when was the last time I painted?” I did the math my oldest was 6, my youngest 2 with another in the middle. I was shocked it had been 7 maybe 8 years. Oh, sure I was a graphic designer that had never stopped but my own personal art work? That had been lost in morning sickness, diapers and toddlers. It was time to get back to it, the urge could not be ignored. That was 8 years ago."
Instagram: @nikkimbraun